Further Reading
I got an e-mail recently from a guy named Jim Johnson, requesting that I link to his blog, Straight, Not Narrow (a splendid title), presumably because of my recent post about some Christians' un-Christlike treatment of homosexuals. I read some of his stuff and decided it was worth a link. If you're interested in the whole homosexuality/Christianity thing, he's got enough links to keep you busy for a while.
Also well worth reading is this blog, written during the coming out of a gay Christian blogger. (His current blog is here.)
And if I could prevail upon you to read one thing about homosexuality, it would be this excerpt from the book A Place at the Table, which challenges a very prevalent stereotype about homosexuals, as well as taking issue with the "just don't flaunt it" school of tolerance. Unfortunately, the book is friggen impossible to find in Edmonton. I may have to break down and finally buy something on line.
Happy reading.
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