This post is partially a response to this comment by Jonas. A number of comments I've received lately have made me realize that the impression some of my posts have made on some readers are quite different from what I intended.
I think there are a couple of writing habits I've fallen into that have apparently given some of my readers the wrong impression of my views. For one, I sometimes use "Christians" as a sort of shorthand for "some Christians, of whom I am one", giving the impression that I'm lumping all Christians together, and then distancing myself from them. I've received comments to the effect that I must know some pretty horrible Christians to be so frustrated and disillusioned with them. I don't think this is the case. When I criticize those Christians (who are by no means representative of all Christians) who scorn or mistreat "sinners", over-emphasize the Bible, are intellectually dishonest about the nature of their God, or engage in self-centered "worship" (to name a few recent tirades), I am criticizing what I personally once thought and did, or in some cases still do. I'm well aware of how easy it is to criticize those who are different, which is why I try not to write about Muslims, Atheists, Calvinists, Catholics, or baseball fans. I'm sure some people within these categories (who are not necessarily representative of everyone within their respective categories) are in error on various points and ought to be corrected. But I am none of these things, I know little or nothing about them, and thus I am in no place to critique them. I will only ever critique myself and those like me - that is, views that I have held, or things I have done. At least, this is the standard I try to hold myself to. In the future, I will try to be more clear that I don't disagree with all Christians (how absurd) on any certain issue, and I can relate to those Christians I believe to be in the wrong. I can understand their thinking (to a point) and I can sympathize with them because I once thought as they do, and, in many cases, still act as they do.
Jonas is right that I have more difficulty loving judgmental, holier-than-thou Christians than homosexuals. I won't pretend I don't struggle with this. However, being a recovering judgmental, holier-than-thou Christian myself, I have a reasonable understanding of their mindset and actions. Although I often become frustrated with certain segments of Christianity, I seldom feel malice towards any individual person.
However, what I feel is not the issue here. It is one of my weaknesses as a writer that I tend to forget or downplay the effect my words might have on the reader. What in my mind is a very calmly reasoned (yet forcefully presented) argument against a faceless ideology may be read as a personal attack against cherished beliefs, or a bitter rant against an enemy. Unfortunately, my passion as a writer occasionally exceeds my diligence as an editor, and I think I can come across as more angry and judgmental in writing than I would ever be in person. Like Paul, I tend to be timid when face to face, and bold when away. Of course, it's far easier to be gentle and understanding when face to face with a human being (however pharisaic) than when confuting a perceived distortion of the Gospel through a keyboard.
I certainly appreciate the comments I receive, particularly the ones asking for clarification or expressing disagreement. Such comments are half the reason I blog. (Half? Maybe 30%.) If you think something I've written is grade A bullshit (or even grades B through D bullshit) please let me know. And if you agree, you're allowed to tell me that too.
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This is AAA+ bullshit, the biggest piece of poo I have ever read in my entire life.
Just kidding, of course, but hopefully you feel "encouraged".
Not particularly, but good try.
Honestly, I respect the fact that you write constantly. But I'm afraid I keep feeling as though you've gotten a bit egotistical. I know I am probably wrong, but this most recent post of clarification has been the first bit of humility I've seen on this blog for a long time. It saddens me to think that I'm judging you, but it also saddens me to think that you are on here making a gold statue of yourself. I'm probably wrong, but it's just a thought.
Curious Canine, I disagree. I think the mere fact that Jacob has tried to repair or clarify his fallen writing habits is a lovely thing to do. Good on you Jacob. But I do agree with Jonas. Good luck with the sometimes enlightening bullshit.
Interesting observations. Am I egotistical? I'm not sure. I know I'm not as humble/self-demeaning as most Christians think we should be. (To be frank, I've never understood the "I'm the worst of all sinners" mentality. I'm not the worst of all sinners. I'm just not. So why try to convince myself that I am?) But neither am I as humble as I think I should be.
However, I'd like to stress that I don't believe I'm a great person. I know many people (most of them conservative Christians, incidentally) who are far better at following their convictions and demonstrating love than I am. I have little desire to be placed on a pedestal, either by myself or others, and the last thing I want to come across as is arrogant.
Unfortunately, I don't think my actual humility, or lack thereof, has much bearing on how I come across in writing. But thanks for letting me know that I sound egotistical. I will try to correct that.
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