This week was hard. I was a counselor at children's camp. The main problem was that I wasn't up to it. I was, of course, coming off a one-night turnaround from my previous week of camp, and I had spent a good portion of that night driving around with friends. I've done back-to-back weeks of counseling before with some success, but this week I just wasn't up to it. Of course, my kid's were exasperating. Most of them were naturally hyper and obedience-challenged, and they figured out fairly early on that they didn't really have to listen to a word I said. Much of my time was spent drawing on my considerable supply of patience to bend a half-dozen little jerks to my will through sheer persistence. Wasn't much fun.
A few disturbing things came up during the course of the week. The first was that I realized the extent to which the music I'm playing in my head affects my whole perception of the world. I really like Evanessence, but it makes me a totally gloomy and ineffective person. I realized that it's often my duty to make myself feel happy, for the sake of those around me. That means I can't always sing the songs I feel like singing, and that's really annoying.
The second thing is that I seemed to slide back into this despairing "I'm on my own" mindset I had the first week I counseled. I remember at several points that week feeling overwhelmed and thinking that I should pray for God to give me strength, and then thinking "why bother? I really don't believe it'll do anything." I believe that when life sucks and I feel like I can't go on, I am on my own. Yes, there is only one set of footprints. No, he is not fucking carrying me. Some wisdom from Adventures in Odyssey: "Grace is never measured in excess, and strength always comes when you are at your weakest. Not when you think you're at your weakest, when you truly are. So be strong in the strength that you have, and the rest will be added to you. It will be just enough." I think that's true. Yes, God is faithful, but this is what it means: "he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." God's promise is that life will suck, but it won't overwhelm you. Actually, you may well be taken right to the point of being overwhelmed, but if you try your hardest, you will be able to survive. That's not much comfort when life sucks.
As much as I'd like to be really tragic about all this, there is another side to the story. I did receive comfort, support and encouragement this week, though not directly from God. (10 points if you guessed it was from other people.) This is the story of my life. I am a man who survives without God. Be in awe of me; I am Jacob, and I am strong. Yet I am deeply dependent on those around me. Some of them are like myself, living with the knowledge but not the experience of God, and they encourage me that I am not alone. Others are actually able to personally, tangibly interact with God, and they encourage me that He is there, He loves us, and He still involves himself in our affairs. Where would I be without these people? Maybe Dead. (And in heaven, in the very presence of God. Huh, I guess that defeats my point. Best to just ignore this.)
Huh, these things are getting harder and harder to write. I think because I'm forced to do it exactly once a week, and I have big time constraints and so on. My Dad's trying to get me to go to bed, so I will once again cut things short.
What can I tell you in a short time that will seem smart and make you like me, or worry about me, or feel compelled to think or pray about me? What can I do that will be noteworthy or real, or somehow of substance or value or even just interest?
(Note: If I was a good writer or an intelligent person, the questions above would be followed by an answer. But I am neither, I am just a man coming to grips with myself - my stengths and weaknesses, my peculiarities, and my strange and all-defining relationship with an unreachable God.)


Anonymous said...

You know, you dont have to do anything to make me think of you as witty, smart, or likable. I would be a friend even if you wernt any of those things. The fact that you are, is only the flowers on top of the icing on top of the cake ;)

Trite, perhaps, but true anyways.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I want to commend you for your candor. I don't know you at all, but from my first taste of your thoughts I get the impression you're the type of person who does a lot of things-maybe you're pressured into it-that you don't want to do. I don't think you'll ever experience the type of relationship with Christ that everyone else talks about until you see a vital need for it-which is impossible to find while you're wallowing in your doubts.
From what your situation sounds like, you've been force-fed your faith, and you're following a mold that hasn't quenched your expectations. You've probably been yearning for God to pop out of the clouds, smack YOU around, and prove to YOU that He loves YOU as much as your church tells YOU He does. Pathetic.
All I can say is that it seems that you're wanting God to fit your mold and presumptions instead of taking what He offers with a thankful heart. How selfish! If this being has actually had His son murdered because He loves you despite your belittling of Him -yet you're not accepting the gift for what it is-who'se got the problem? That's like a birthday party where a kid gets this huge rollercoaster, and his response is "but that's not what I wanted". You've created a box that God has to fit in to be real, and worth your attention. How can YOU, if you're like the rest of us who deserve death because being perfect doesn't come naturally to us, ask anything AT ALL from God and then doubt Him if He doesn't deliver exactly what you want? Change your attitude or go fly a kite! I'm disgusted you'd ask anything at all, when you've been handed so much for free. Honestly.
Have you read Josh McDowell's "More Than A Carpenter"? I haven't, but I recently heard from a friend who did, and now has to rework his own faith from the roots. He was the type of person who was a christian, lived the supersized christian lifestyle, but did it out of obligation.
He reminded me that we claim that God cares more about our heart than about our actions: "Person A goes to church every Sunday, reads the bible and prays every morning, talks to people at work about her faith, has brought a few people to Christ, sings on the worship team at church, but does all of this because she wants to look good in front of others, or because she feels obligated to do it because that's what she was taught to do. Person B is still struggling with an addiction to drugs, makes it out to church once in a while, struggles to read the bible and pray because he lacks the discipline, tries to witness to people around him but isn't very good at it, fools around with his girlfriend because he has heard that God only doesn't like premarital intercourse...but yet has a heart that wants to please Jesus, despite how much he struggles, and always goes to God after he screws up, pleading for God's forgiveness and grace. God loves person B as his child, God doesn't even recognize person A."
I don't feel very much sympathy for you. It's so hard to empathize with those who possess so much knowledge of God and doubt, while others are risking their lives for God out of gratitude. You're never going to get anything from God until you fall down infront of Him with a thankful heart like you've never known. He deserves it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

To Ian,
You're obviously mad. I'm sorry to have offended you, but I'm not sorry for what I've written.
Let's ask ourselves a question, shall we? Why do people get mad? People get mad for various reason, but a HUGE reason is when their current beliefs are tested and losing value. If you don't like what I have to say, prove me wrong. I've gone through this myself, where I think I know what I'm talking about, and then someone gets in my face, tearing my current beliefs into pieces, and I have nothing to say. People get frustrated when they think they've had the answer all along, and realize that they've been standing on a foundation of lies.

Anonymous said...

Well... i dont really know you. and im not going to pass anyjudgements (for the already mentioned reason...) but, i do have a couple things to comment on. firstly, you claim to "survive(s) without God" .. . hmm. i have to disagree, seeming as He is the creator and sustainor of everythign in existance. at least i believe so. so how can you survive without Him when He is in fact a part of everything in creation? including uS! we were made in his image. now, you may say im takign this out of context, and that you were meaning, survive without his support. well Romans 8 :38-39 tells us that "nothign can ever seperate us from His love. Deat can't and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away. Whether we are high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to seperate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. ". Im sorry, but theres nothing more promising or hope-filled then that. thats what our faith is based on, and its unescapable. And Im glad you found support in the community you have there at camp. But was it not God who set it all up so that those people where there this summer? He can bless us in soo many ways, including the people around us, so please dont discount that as being a peice of His work. Thirdly (? im numberin gthings..?)it really isnt your place to be questioning God,or testing God, asking Him to present Himself to you, or demanding an explanation of some sort. Go read Job 38, God's answering Jobs cries for understanding,strength the midst of his suffering, and God responds by sayign basically "Look Job, where were you when i laid th efoundatiosn fo the Earth? do you know where i keep my friggin lightning? Who are you to question my wisdom with such ignorance? Answer me like a man." etc... (paraphrased.... ) anyways, the last thign i wanted to comment on is your "unreachable God" statement. "we are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed or broken. We are perplexed, but we dont give up and quit. we are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going." (2 Cor. 4: 8). Throughout the new testiment its stated that God isnt gonna abandon us, and i don t think He has you either (ie- the community Hes got fo ryou at camp). maybe everything is in your perspective.

Anonymous said...
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Jacob said...

Wow, that's a lot of responding. To my new and myserious anonymous responders: I'd like to contact you. I don't know who you are - if you're friends of mine, or friends of friends, or if you've simply sprung out of the electronic woodwork. Your comments are interesting to me and merit further discussion, though ideally in a less cumbersome format. I don't know who you are, but if you know me, I'd like to talk to you or email you or whatever. I will refrain from responding to each person's comments here and now, because to do so would be quite time consuming, but I am grateful for all feedback. As always, your opinions are appreciated. All I ask is honesty.

Jacob said...

On second reading, it seems there is only one new anonymouser. Right. So you can change all the plurals in my comment above to singular. (Just so you don't think I'm not paying attention.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is only one set of footprints. No, he is not fucking carrying me.Wow. I often feel this way, and you've expressed it beautifully.

I wonder how camp would have gone had you abandoned any attempt to "bend" the children to your or your director's will? I'm not saying that you did something wrong, or incorrectly, just wondering if you had a perspective on how things might have gone differently.

Wandering StarThey are wild waves of the sea,
foaming up their shame;
wandering stars,
for whom blackest darkness
has been reserved forever.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Jacob", there are actually a couple of anonymous comment writers. Which commenter are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

It's funny, in reading the inane and offensive comments these folks have supplied, I can't help but be reminded of the shocking content on It is so depressing to read this shit, because every time I start to like christians or God again, someone obliges my misanthropy, and I start to fucking hate them all.

J, you've been utterly gracious to them, in a way I might find it difficult to be. You are displaying your divinity in a tangible, meaningful way that I really admire.

Wandering Star
They are wild waves of the sea,
foaming up their shame;
wandering stars,
for whom blackest darkness
has been reserved forever.

Anonymous said...

J this comment will be out of place here. Should be nearer the begining. I agree with the first anonymous. God is not a drug. not the God i serve. he cannot be put into a box nor can he be understood by your mind or mine. Simply seek God but not an experience. God is a funny guy and he touches each of us differently but sometimes we arent willing. That night you slept at my house and we prayed long and hard for God to speak to us and then fealt as though niothing had happened whatsoever,I would like to apologize for that. I would like to apologize to you and God for any doubts you have. I believe God must work in our hearts first then he can touch us (though sometimes he works in our hearts by touching us). there is no formula, you cant simply iject a little Holy Spirit encounter into your arm. You cant smoke a GOD CIGAR. We do not serve a God whome we have any right to place under our own set of rules. Praise be to God that we cant understand him. I am rather sick at the moment and a little dizzy so I apologize if this comment is a bit all over the place. to the rest of you....JAMES 1 19- My dear brothers take note of this. every one of you should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. For mans anger does not bring about the righteousness god desires. Therefore get rid of all moral filth(cough cough)(language, cough cough) and the sin that is so prevalent, and humbly accept the word planted in you wich CAN save you. DO not merely listen to the word and so decieve yourselves,. DO WHAT IT SAYS. anyone who listens tot he word and does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and after looking at himselfe, goes awey and emediatelly forgets what he looks like. GOD BLESS