Kind of Back

Camp is over. It was good - very good - but I'm excited to start school. I'm pretty much only taking awesome courses this year. Also, something else is happening this year that I'm quite excited about, but you'll have to wait for What's Going Down In My Life, Part 2 for that.

Speaking of which, I am trying to get back to writing again, but my blogging muscles have grown flabby it the last four months, and I'm having a hard time completing posts. But I'm working on it.

In the mean time here are some interesting things I've read recently while skimming through some of my four month backlog of Bloglines posts:

Seeker has some interesting thoughts about knowledge and beliefs here and here.

Bruce found an amusing website.

Jim linked to this very thought-provoking piece on sodomy.

And this trailer gives me chills. What I find remarkable is that it seems to neither praise nor condemn zealous Evangelicals. The movie could be awesome.